QK Coldstores commenced operations in 2006 at its facility in City Deep, with the capacity to accommodate 7,000 pallet positions which are divided across a broad spectrum of products: dairy, poultry, fruit pulp, frozen vegetable, beef, pork & lamb and ice cream.


QK Coldstores holds Yum accreditation for the past 8 years and is also PPECB accredited giving QK Coldstores exportation approval from South Africa. It holds a gold standard by NSP for 3 concurrent years. 


Additional cold storage facilities have been added in the Midrand campus the first of these commenced trading in 2010. This campus hosts 150,000 pallet spaces and specialises in a whole range of storage solutions from specialised confectionary at -14 degrees, Ice-cream at -25 degrees to standard storage temperature of -18 degrees.


All our facilities are ZA approved together with PPECB, IBL and is currently under going approval for BRC and YUM.


Solutions at QK Coldstores
QK Coldstores offers a wide range of solutions from case picking to blast freezing, tempering, re-palletising and container loading on the deck as well as offering a primary transport solution.


Case picking was identified as a value add to our services, which we currently exceed 200,000 cases per month. QK Coldstores believes its multiple temperature facilities allows clients the flexibility to store their products with one service provider and reduce additional transport costs, this also provides a partnership between customer and supplier competitive pricing on shuttling from manufacturing sites


Future development
QK is expanding the offering by the business by adding further value to our customers this includes a logistical solution between the customers manufacturing facility and our cold storage.


We have developed an IT web interface for our customer to integrate their IT solution with that of our cold storage software, this streamlines the administration providing real time information on stock holdings for our customer.


QK Coldstores continues to implement sustainable and cost efficient solutions for our customers.

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Sustainability at QK
For more information on sustainability